Ksp Duna Atmosphere Height (2024)

1. Duna | Kerbal Space Program Wiki | Fandom

  • Duna · Topography · Biomes · Atmosphere

  • Duna is the fourth planet of the Kerbol system. It is the Mars analog for Kerbal Space Program and is mostly red with polar icecaps. It has one natural satellite; Ike. Due to Ike's size and proximity, Ike and Duna are almost tidally locked to each other. Making Ike look like its slinging left and right when Duna rotates. With proper aerobraking, a round trip from Kerbin to Duna's orbit and back requires roughly 1700 m/s of delta-v, less than a round trip to any other planet. Duna is often the ea

2. At what altitude does Duna's upper atmosphere start?

3. Duna | Planets | Kerbal Space Program

  • Like all atmospheres in the game, Duna's atmosphere fades exponentially with increasing altitude (with a scale height of 3000 m). Although parachutes will ...

4. Duna - Kerbal Star Systems Wiki - Fandom

  • Atmospheric Height. 47 km. Temperature. min: 130 K. mean: 210 K. max: 308 K ... Duna's atmosphere retains a mere six-hundredth of the pressure of Kerbin's ...

  • Duna is the fourth planet from Kerbol and the second smallest planet in the Kerbol system, after Moho. Named after an ancient god of war, it is often referred to as the "Red Planet" due to the iron oxide prevalent on its surface which gives it a reddish appearance. Duna is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Mun and the valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of Kerbin. "Also known as the red dot that you can see if you

5. Kerbin | Planets | Kerbal Space Program

  • Kerbin's atmosphere contains oxygen and extends to roughly 69,078 meters. Its atmosphere exponentially rarefies with altitude with a scale height of 5 km.

6. Kerbal Space Program - Launch for Duna - Physics Forums

  • 27 jul 2014 · The "Mk25 High Altitude Parachute" has Duna written all over it. Duna has a very thin atmosphere, and we are going to rely on parachutes to do ...

  • The Sands of Duna Part 1: Introduction So let's go to Duna! (Duna is Kerbal Space Program's [KSP's] analogue of Mars.) Here are some mission requirements that I set out for myself: Mission requirements: Bring two or three Kerbals to the surface of Duna and bring back all sorts of...

7. KSP Visual Calculator

  • An altitude above the atmosphere (70 km for Kerbin); A velocity towards the ... Duna and essentially rendezvous. This is extremely inefficient because ...

  • Online Kerbal Space Program calculators for delta-v, comm-net, ISRU.

8. Kerbal Space Program - Duna Flight Math - Physics Forums

  • 5 sep 2014 · So if you want to go by the height that KSP displays, you need to ... How do I account for Duna's atmosphere in my flight calculations?

  • The Sands of Duna An intermission of math. Skip this post (and the next) if you are not interested in the math. But since you are reading this on Physics Forums after all, there's a good chance you are interested. If so, read on. :smile: Collinsmark is not affiliated with Squad nor Kerbal...

Ksp Duna Atmosphere Height (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.