The Advocate from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

I 20, 1894. The Advocate. 21 REY. MOTHER AUBERT'S The Great New Remedy, WANENA For Cata, Bruises, to. RANENA la really wonderful remedy, acting like magic in ca of nature, falls, even brules, of firearms contusions, (however outs, wouuds of every deep and large the wound its efecta, bey, and internal injuries, tried it will ever be without it, fur DO one knows etc.

It never falls in no one baring when so accident may WANENA acta In on case of horses and deep other wound animals aD lojection well caught to 1re made the Arst day with one as people. WAXENA diluted in three parts of water. After the part of Brat day the Injections are made with one part of WAMENA and tire parts of water, The wound he to be kept well covered with picoa of lint saturated with pure WAXENA. and covered over again with few folda of soft linen estorated with one part of WANESA, diluted in from to 13 parts of water. The wound is, a rule, to be dressed OnCe day.

though, in lew exceptional cases, it fa to be dressed trice a day. But in every case tolds of liuen are to be kept constantly moist with the diluted WAXENA, by the means of from a outaide sponge, with often which the linen moirteoed necessary, without undressing the wound. If the injury super dcial simple of WANNA 14 the above-mentioned peoportious will be In case of Internal Injury withoot external wound, teaspoonful of WANENA la to be taken two or three tints a day in a little water. Fr. Soulas Fitnesses Many Wonderful Cares.

Here is the opinion Rev, Fr. C. Boules on FANENA. The rev. reatleman has received, in the most tattering terms, decoration from the Freuch Goverument for his eminent services in the ambulances during the Franco- Prussian Rev.

Mother, -It la with the greatest p'easure that I testify to the very great value of your WANENA. repeat here what I hare always saidthat I have never seen any remedy that could cure so quickly cute and wounds, especially when fresh, During the disastrous war of 1070 we bad in our ambulance distinguished doctors, Including two eml. pent professors of the faculty of Nanter, to their skill and to the exceptional conditions of miubrity in which we were placed, ambulance ruined the reputation of healing the wounded more quickly than all the other ambulatices and hospitals of the town. Nevertheless, austre you. without the least beltation, that, had we had your WANNNA, we could bare restored our wounded soldiers to their regiments in halt the time that aromatic wine ADd all the other remedies prescribed by nor coull do.

Amoug the many wonderful cures made by your WAXENA that I have witnessed allow me to mention the case of the unfortunate WAD of the upper part of the Wanganul, who had him hand shattered by the explosion of bit guo, and who was 10 successfully treated that after dive weeks be was able to attend Dis own business. Be pleased, dear Rev. Mother, te accept my beat thanks for the few bottles of WANENA with which you baron kindly presented me, and which have enabled me to help so many poor most bumble servant, 0. SOULAS, 8.M. Hounded Horses Speedily Cared.

Oboutabi Station, June, 1694. Dear Rev. hare the greatest pleasure in thanking you for the medicine you so kindly handed to me some months ago. One of our horses met lately with as sceident, which all our men sad myweil considered as irremediably fatal In it consequences. The valuable animal's shoulder was deeply torn and lacerated by large iron hook.

Tea minutes atter the accident the shoulder was very much swollen, and matter could be beard ductuating under the pressure of the hand. Fortunately, I thought of your WANNA. did not attempt to sow up the wound, but we simply injected some pure WANENA into it daily we nothing else: sod la leva than fortnight after the secident the horse, Deeding no far: bet care. was turned out la remote paddock to Fast. The skin is HOW so well healed that you could not notice scar ou it.

We have never seen saything bealing so well and so quickly. I had also young foul. tried who, in a deeperste effort to follow his mother, He was force badly cat In several places that I would to his way through a barbed wire fence. have some of taken next to nothing for bim. We applied your WANNA, and whee, on the following morning, I went with Mr.

Dugan, the well-knowD foul, Arat-class jockey and to look after the Mr. Daigaa told tae that, it ha had not witnewed the accident, be would never hare believed that the wound was not week old, 10 well was siready formed the beeling scab. All swelling bad disappeared. All our men were astonished as such suocess. Thanking you the again, present dear BaT.

an Mother, I anthorine I to that I could reader a Do greater marrice to owners of horses Shan in recommending sham to try Tore reapeotfully, MULLER, Manager Oboutahi 3m. per Bottle. Wholesale and Ratati Depot: 284 LONSDALE MELBOURNE. AGENTS WANTED to COUNTRI TOTES. NORTON'S TRADE NORTONS NORTON3 FROM Indigestion Loss Debility Dyspepsia Complaint Biliousness CAMOMILE NORTONS TRADE NORTON'S PEE MARK NORTON'S A Perfect Boon to the HO MORE DOCTORS, NO MORE DRUGS.

DR. A. W. HALL'S GREAT HYGIENIO DISCOVERY for the Care of Diseases withont the ase of Medicine. This Wonderful Remedy, discovered by that Eminent Physician, De A.

W. HALL, now causing quite a sensation throughout its marvelous success in restoring health to suffering humanity, is without a parallel in the World's History, and in fast revolutionising the Medical Profession at the present day. Every bow be Nearly his own every doctor form and of enjoy disease, long it Life, created in Health time, and can be Prosperity, cured free expense to the bin days, cluding, Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, by the use of this Wonderful Appliance in. Diabetes, Gravel, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheamatism, Pleurisy. Asthma, Consumption, Infamation Disease, Dyspepsia, Headache, Liver Complaint, Kidney the Diarrhea, Lungs, Cholera, Catarrh, Jaundice, Infuensa, Bronchitis, Fever and Ague, Malarial Fever, Typhuid Fever, Dysentery.

Instructions address, Ecrets Post Piles, duty etc. -The Appliance complete, inclading Free Book of and free, on receipt of P.0.0. for B11 Shilliage, no further outlay Address: Donald Kurts, Manager, The Hygienic Institute, 204 Russell Malb, -Red and white spotted, blotch brand off ramp, abort horns young white calf. To BE SOLD ON 5TH NOVEMBER, IV NOT CLAIMED. FERNTREE GULLY--Shire Pound -Red and white cow: small brindle steer, like near ramp; smell red and white heifer: heifer red and white heifer; red and white beifer, MIC near rump, WB conjoined near loins.

To BE SOLD ON 6TH NOVEMBER, IF NOT CLAIMED. ROGEDALE-Black mare, like A off aboulder. To BE SOLD ON 7TH NOVEMBER, IP NOT CLAIMED. cart sort, bald face, off fore fool and near hind I -Shire Pound -Bay horse, spring. foot white, blind off eye, near shoulder, over reversed near rump: chestant mare, boot hands high, blaze, near hind foot white, off fore leg ring bowed, white spots OD danka, like faint illegible brand near aboalder.

HUNTLT--Black mare, light, GN near shoulder; brown mare, medium draught, near shoulder; red and white poley heifer, like JP conjoined off rump: spotted beifer, like JP conjoined off rump: strawborry steer, like JP conjoined off rump; and white heifer, like JP conjoined of rump. KEILOR-White cow, reddish ears, old, horny. brand like JH conjoined, indiatinot, near rump. MORTLAKE-Red heifer, white face and belly strawberry spotted heifer; red heifer; red heifer, spotted face, white belly. -Red and white bull, CW in oblong off rump.

-Brown gelding, 88 over 9. under saddle, off side hip down; bey Ally, like of brown pony, like or off shoulder; roan mare, like JB near shoulder; brown horse, near SKIrToN-Blaok pony horse, tan mussie, like near shoulder; bay mare, white face, illegible brand near shoulder; bey colt, foal, white face. Strawberry heifer, yearling, FL romp; strawberry steer, near ramp: yellow and white steer, FL near rump; white steer, yearling, FL near romp: two red etcern, yearlings, 1 FL near rump; light-grey gelding, book, RM near shoulder, blotch off shoulder. pony borne, dark points, saddle marked, like 8B near shoulder. BE SOLD ON 9TH NOVEMBER, IF NOT CLAIMED.

SWAN HILL- bullock, Dear TUmP, of ramp, snaily horns. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. OINTMENT AND PILL. Them remedies are oncqualled throng bout the world for bad legs, wounds, foul sores, bad breasts, and ulcars. Ured according to direotions given with them there Is no wound, bad leg.

or ulcerous sore, bowever obstinate or tong standing, but will ylald to their healing and curative properties. Many poor sufferers who have been patients in the large hospitals under the care amiaeat surgeons, and hare derived little or Do behest from their treatment, bare been thoroughly cared by Holloway' Ointment and Pilla, For glandular swellings, tamours, plies," used of the there la nothing that CaD be with so modeb bt. In fact, in the worst forms of disease, dependent apon the condition of the blood, these medicines, conjointly, are irresistible, ST. JOSEPH'8 DESTITUTE CHILDREN, HOME FOB SURRET As the name implies, was antablished for the purpose of mring poor neglected little children, THROCOR FAULT OF THEIR OWX, from the streets, the br- ways, and the beuk slums of Melbourne. For a considerable time past the extreme helplessness of than destitute raife and strays- deprived of their natural been theme, the varying in phases of in of almost dally repetition, their limited The Committee bare able, to so far means would allow, to rescue quite a number of children from destitution and the surroundings crime, and place them rom LiVE out of the resol of barm, fu comfortable homes In the conutry, where they will be brought 4p spectable sa well an unstal of Boolsty.

PLEASE HELP US NOW, So that God's little who witch from the abyw crime, tout with and pony tor bal ps may Do The Give Medical "KEITING'S POWDER." POWDER." KEATING'S POWDER." POWDER." KEATING' POWDER." Ballarat Advertisements. PRODUCE, GRAIN, ETC. BROPHY, FOLEY Produce Salesmen, Commission LAND VALUATORS, WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET, BALLARAT. All kinds of Grain, Hay. StrAw.

ADd Potatoes Bold on Commission. Delivery taken at nearest Hull way Station. AUCTION BALES CONDUCTED. Grain Stored. Dogs on Hiro or for Sale.

Terns J. T. Furnishing Undertaker, CLUNES ROAD, NORTH PARADE, ORESWICK. Hearse, Mourning Conches, sad every Funeral Requisite on Hire. Funerals turntabed In Town or Country.

The tavour of your recommendation ta requested. J. P. GUBLY, Manager, M. M'DONALD MARBLE MONUMENTAL WORKS ComaSa OF M' As (Opposite Old Cemetery), BALLARAT.

Mosamesta, Tomba, and Endstones, la Marble, Graaita, or stone. All Hinds of Cemetery at able prion. Monumental Masons. T. H.

ALLISON (Brother to the lass Boonemle Undertakes, 801 TICTORIA TEST MELBOURNE (Hear Errol Street), DERBI COLLING WOOD. HEAD OFFICE: 101 BLAIN STREET, CARLTON. Telephone ROYAL PARK MONUMENTAL WORKS, SYDNEY LOAD, MaLaorara JAGEURS AND SON (Permarty at Dahlias and In porters mortals af delivered la and Trans JOHN DALEY, UNDERTAKER, LATROBE SPRING MELBOURNE. phase KEATING'S POWDER." This Powder, so celebratad, is utterly 1 rivalled in destroying DUGS, FLEAS MOTHS, BEETLES, and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life). All woollens and furs should be well sprinkled with Powder before placing away.

It is in taluable to take to the sonside. Ta a Told disappointment 11 poo having Keating's No other Powder in edoctual. BUGS, FLEAS KILLS MOTHS, BEETLES, MOSQUITOES. Doriralled In destroying FLEAS. BUGS, COCKROACHES, BEETLES, MOTHS In FURS, sad etery other species of Insect.

Sportsmen will fad this' in valuable for destroying dens in the dogs, miso ladies for their pet dogs. The PUBLIC Are CAUTIONED that of the Feudine Powder bear the satograph THOMAS KEATING. Bold in Tins ouly. KEATING'S WORN LETO." KEATING'S WORM KEATING'S WORM TABLETS KEATING'S WORK WORM TABLETS TABLETS KEATING'8 A PURELY VEGETABLE furnishing SWEETMEAT, most both agreeable la method apparauca of and taste, the only certain for INTESTINAL OF THREAD WORMS. 16 fectly sale aud wild preparation, and all especially plapted for Children.

Sold, Tine, by Droggiata, Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING, Landon. CONSULT R. J. POULTON, CHEMIST, ON ALL DISEASES. Modicines sent to all parts of the country by pert.

Every latter receives prompt attention. 77 BOURKE STREET EAST. made to cult the worst of and LONADALE STREET (Opposite Melbourne Bospital). Mrs. Gallagher ladies.

LLAGH EB Is the only PRACTICAL SURGICAL MECHANIST In in Melboursa. Be gives adries on Deformity sad Herala Gratis, Maker of Artisaial Limbs, Elastie Ladies' and Gents' Belter sad Deformity, A GUESTS It ban riven unbounded has been introdsoed, and la new condidered en MODERN TRIUMPHS of Pharm Salescs, Coughs, Colds, Bremobitia, Dry Throat I and Lungs are Thrass, culty Bore of Throat, Breathing, and Loss all of a 0 the ass of she above remedy. Solely ESTELL By Special A OHEMIST TO GOVERNOR, BOURKA STREET, Hear the Bijou Theatre. WILLIAM IEVERS CARLTON, SONS, LAND, OFFICIAL Sell AN Lu 17.

The Advocate from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.